Wednesday, February 15, 2006

my sales pitch

i am terrified of making new friends.
there is a space, of a few seconds, when i must decide if what i am going to say is worth the risk.
if i give away too much, i come across needy and scary.
if i give away too little, i am cold and uninviting.
i have to choose (very carefully) which face i am going to show.
this never lasts long.
i am terrible at subterfuge.
try as i may, i can't pretend to be interested in scrap booking.
i cannot feign fascination with your children or your wedding pictures.
i might as well tell you, straight out, that i am something of a bitch.
but, i am a loyal one, and i am capable (in extreme circumstances) of immeasurable kindness.
that being said, if you can learn not to take me too seriously, and try not to bore me, i promise, i'll always have your back.

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